About Us

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Education Faculty Department of Music Education and Arts and Crafts Education were founded in 2001-2002 academic calender. There are currently 2 Professor, 6 Assoc. Professor, 6 Assistant Professors, 1 Ph.D. Lecturers, 4 Lecturers and 5 Ph.D. Research Assistants working in the department. The duration of the programme is 4 years. The language of the programme is Turkish.

Program offers the courses of following individual musical instruments: violin, viola, cello, contrabass, flute, guitar, kanun and bağlama (traditional Turkish stringed musical instruments). Department also offers voice training course. Since its very foundation, organizing regular concerts, which include examples of national and international music, has been one of the priorities. There are currently 126 students studying. In average, 30 hours of classes are held for each grade. The curriculum has been programmed by YOK and applied in the same departments of Turkish universities.

There are currently 1 Professor, 5 Assoc. Professor, 4 Assistant Professors, 1 Lecturers Ph.D., 3 Lecturers and 1 Research Assistant PhD. working in the Music Education Program. Graduates of Music Education Department are expected to be well-qualified in music education; planning, practice and methods of music teaching; composing music and contributing to the national and global music culture; thinking analytically and critically. They are expected to be modern music teachers. For this reason, in addition to their field courses, Music Education students are motivated to attend to the scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars and concerts. They are supplied with the opportunity of giving individual recital or chamber music with the aim of self-actualization.

Graduates of program of Music Education can work as teacher of music for the Ministry of Education on condition of being successful in KPSS (national employment exam). Also they can work in private schools or art courses.  Their way is open to be artists. They can have post graduate education in the departments of Music Education.

Department of Arts and Crafts Education was founded in 2001-2002 academic calender. The program has been serving in a new building constructed for Department of Fine Arts Education since 2013. There are currently 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, 2 Asistan Professor, 1 Lecturers and 4 Research Assistants Ph.D. working in the department. 125 students currently study in the department. Besides, each semester, different numbers of students from other universities are accepted to the department with a national exchange program called Farabi. 

In average, 25 hours of classes are held for each grade. The curriculum is composed of applied art courses such as,  Perspective, Design, Main Art, Selective Art, Writing, Museum Education theoretical courses of art education such as, Contemporary Art, History of Western Art, Critic of Art, Philosophy of Art pedagogy courses such as, Introduction to Educational Sciences, Philosophy of Education, Teaching Principles and Methods, Teaching Methods and Material Design, Artistic Development of Child, Classroom Management, Special Teaching Methods, Counseling, School Experience and also cultural courses such as, History of Turkish Revolution and Atatürk’s Principles, Turkish Language, Foreing Language, Computer.

Students can open expositions in crush room individually or as groups to display their artistic works. Also, in the conference hall shared with Department of Music Education, students have the opportunity to attend conferences by invited speakers, music shows, presentations, and etc. Such organizations let them work not only in workshops but also develop an interdisciplinary understanding. There are ten studios in the building. Classes of Basic Art Education, Authentic Press, Sculpture, Design, Main Art, and Selective Art are held in these studios. Expositions, workshops, conferences, excursions of art history, museum visits and visits to historical areas of the city are organized by the department. Such organizations are seen as very important for students’ developing critical thinking on national and global art problems, art education problems and solutions for such problems. On the other hand, these organizations are a good way of introducing, motivating, understanding and developing sympathy for the new students.

Graduates of program of Arts and Crafts Education can work as teacher of arts and crafts for the Ministry of Education on condition of being successful in KPSS (national employment exam). Also they can work in private schools or art courses.  Their way is open to be artists. They can have post graduate education in the departments of Fine Arts or Art Education.